Reading for the Week: March 6th-12th

Gift ⭐️ The Hanged Man + Spirit

This week we may feel that we are in suspension. We are waiting for something, but it may feel like it isn't happening fast enough. Or that we don't know which direction to take things now. The Hanged Man hangs upside down, but knows he can free himself whenever he chooses. In that way, there is an element of self-sacrifice in this energy - in some way we know we have put ourselves here. There is also potential this week for a meditative moment of non-action. The Spirit card reinforces this and asks us to rise above the chaotic insanity around us. Where do you need to pull back a little? Can you take a step back and see things from the perspective of your higher self? What will be nourishing to your spirit this week? Let yourself take some time to assess things and refuel while you're waiting for the next move to become clear.

Challenge ⭐️ Knight of Wands Rx + Love

The trick is to calm the inner warrior who wants to keep charging around putting out fires and saving everyone who may be in danger. Our love is needed but we can't give it to everyone and everything at the same time. This also applies within our intimate relationships. We can't "solve" everything that may feel off between us and our loved ones. Remember the Hanged Man and trust that sometimes our simple presence is actually enough to show that we care. Don't let yourself be tempted into conflict and allow yourself take a break from processing, doing, solving.

Advice ⭐️ Knight of Cups Rx + Choice

The Choice card was our advice for last week and the same applies this week as well. Be choosy about where you direct your energy. You physically cannot drive in five directions at once. Or even two. Choose one thing at a time and if it isn't clear which one thing to head towards, wait until clarity comes to you. It may just be that you need more information before you can decide the best course of action. Or maybe you need to clear some of the crap out in order to be receptive to the signs that will point you in the right direction.

Tarot deck used: Black Lilly Tarot

Oracle deck used: Vessel by Spirit Speak