Pamela Colman Smith

Reading for the Week: April 24th-30th

Reading for the Week: April 24th-30th

Gift ⭐️  Page of Cups Rx 

This is the third week in a row we've had a reversed court card from the cups suit in this position. The message is that perhaps we can benefit from a more detached and less sensitive mode of being right now. It is easy to become testy when we feel vulnerable or off-balance. But Wednesday's new moon in Taurus should help to ground us a little, giving us some much needed perspective and objectivity. [...]

Reading for the Week: April 10th-16th

Reading for the Week: April 10th-16th

Gift ⭐️  Page of Cups Rx + Spirit 

The gift this week may not look like a gift at first. You may feel that your creative wells are not as full as they once were. Or that your sensitive side is not as sensitive as it could be. Alternatively, you may find that you are *too* sensitive and that your emotions feel scary or overwhelming. [...]